Personal Reflection
Undoubtedly this assignment was the most challenging project I have created so far in my ICT path. Seeing the full overview of the past months and looking back at my initial personal learning outcomes, I have the following reflections on myself.
Sharp Deadlines
Sharp deadlines have been a huge struggle for me during this project. In my honest opinion, I had ups and downs with keeping sharp deadlines. I was trying to track my planning and was given smaller tasks and short deadlines by clients and the first assessor. Unfortunately, I cannot say that I have improved that goal as much as I wanted to (even through my attempts) and I still have a long way to go before I start meeting my deadlines without the aspects of overworking and stress. The positive outcome I could get from my efforts to keep sharp deadlines was understanding the reason behind my struggles. I understood I am a perfectionist that sets too high goals. For the future, I should constrain myself more into putting smaller goals.
Often Iterations
I believe I could do many iterations and validations during this project. I always looked at a problem from different aspects and tried to validate every step before continuing to the next one (like when creating the scenario flows, picking hardware, etc), I consider that learning outcome as quite successfully improved.
At the beginning of the internship, my assessor told me "You are the first student that reaches out to talk to me before I reach out to them. I believe you do not need to be more proactive". However, even though I was indeed proactive at the start of the internship, I believe I found ways to challenge this ability even more. One of my favourite challenges was to do my User study, where I went through every floor of the TQ building and presented my concept to every working table, with the request for the students and workers to support me by filling in my research survey. I have never believed that I would provoke myself in such a way, but I am glad that I had such chances to come out of my comfort zone during the project.
In conclusion, I am happy with what I have learned, and the challenges I have faced during this internship. I have gained valuable knowledge and skills that will undoubtedly contribute to my future professional career.
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