User Survey
Containing the Survey questions and Results Summary
Structure Overview
The survey template followed a structure that focused on gaining the following information about the participants:
Personal Information Used to differentiate and find patterns in following answers by learning the participants':
working position (role)
practiced field
quantity of visiting the TQ Building - people with higher visit frequency might give more informative answers
Daily Work Routine at the Building Section that is exploring the participants':
working archetype (moving a lot, stays on the desk, prefers working on location/online)
eagerness for social interaction - validates if the OIL occupants are feeling a lack of privacy or need more social opportunities
feelings when working at the building and the reason behind them
differences between working at location vs at remotely - understand how participants feel about their inspiration to work, their break schedule (if any), and other habits they practice at different locations.
Concentration and Breaks The section that evaluates the participants':
understanding of a break: frequency, duration, and type of breaks - gives an insight into their awareness of what an effective break is
strategies to get into a working mood / creative mindset
strategies to deal with creative block
preferred location at the building (single/shared desk, closed room) - gives more insight into the archetype which would help define the target group at a later stage
opinion on the effects the surrounding environment has on their productivity and creativity
habits for working space personalization ( if any) - gives an insight into their space personalization preferences
Full Survey
Link to the prefilled survey:
Survey Results Summary
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for the full results see the exported spreadsheet: Survey Results Spreadsheet
Last updated